Shawn Escarciga (Brooklyn, NY)
Shawn Escarciga is a multidisciplinary maker, administrator, and connector existing somewhere between performance, comedy, and community-engaged work. Shawn's work has explored labor and class; questioning value systems and hierarchies; and ways to balance being silly with tangible moves towards equity and care. Shawn also makes memes, writes, and provides pro-bono support for artists looking for administrative or fundraising support (email below). They think on what non-oppressive, anti-capitalistic structures of art-making/valuing might look like, calling in humor and absurdity to keep it spicy.
Drawing inspiration from internet and social media cultures, satire, and the macabre, Shawn’s work questions strict academic and institutional understandings of in performance and “visual art.” But also, it’s not that self-serious.
Shawn thinks a lot about classism, queer visibility, mutual aid, the internet, intimacy amongst faggots, communication, and what it would be like to live in a country that supports non-commercial artists and poor people.
Shawn is 2023 recipient of a Franklin Furnace FUND grant and has done other cool stuff too.
Their work has been seen throughout galleries, museums, sex parties, and DIY spaces throughout New York City (The Brick, Exponential Festival, Panoply Performance Lab, The Ear, Glasshouse ArtLifeLab, Queens Museum, MIX NYC, Triskelion, Grace Exhibition Space, Chinatown Soup, The Clemente, Real Estate Fine Art, Inferno, etc.), domestically (Boston, Chicago, Lexington, New Orleans, Miami, Fayetteville), and abroad (Berlin and London).
You wanna see my CV? Trimspa, baby