6:00 PM18:00

In performance at Support Systems at Longwood Art Gallery

Public Program: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Artist Shawn Escarciga will present The Foundation for the Advancement of Gayguys of Wealthyx Experience Honors Shawn Escarciga. This work aims to critique the classist, inaccessible, and money-driven elements of the historically oppressive art world. By using absurdity, Escarciga highlights “neoliberal shortsightedness” and encourages us to “think outside of neat little boxes” during a time marked by vast hypocrisy and censorship in the arts. Following a great comedic tradition, Escarciga employs humor to expose the disparity between the Art World’s self-presentation and its actuality.

As part of Support Systems at Longwood Art Gallery

More info here.

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7:00 PM19:00

The Exponential Festival and The Brick present | SalOn! “DOUBLE GROOVE”

This year’s theme is DOUBLE GROOVE (think hidden tracks, chance operation, doubling, grooving…). Event is FREE, with a pass-the-hat for the artists and hosts.

Hosted by Shawn Escarciga

Theresa Buchheister, Peter Mills Weiss and Tim Scott (PERFORMANCE)

Steph Marc (COMEDY)

The Reckoning a.k.a Sam Morreale (DRAG)

Leonie Bell (THEATER)

Fr. Carl Adair (SWIM LESSON)

Lee Harrison Daniel and Ethan Williams (MULTIMEDIA)

Lianne Elsouki (PUPPET JUSTICE)

James Wyrwicz (MINI-THEATER)

Hannah Mitchell in collaboration with Nathan Repasz (LONG-DISTANCE DUET)

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7:00 PM19:00


CATCH 76 at The Chocolate Factory

38-33 24th Street, Long Island City


Lisa Fagan + Lena Engelstein !
leahlaia !
Hiera Jihye !
Kennie Zhou !
Laura Ortman !
Paris Alexander !
River L. Ramirez !
Shawn Escarciga !
Sol Cabrini !
+ a Collective Action by Yanira Castro !
(outside at 7pm)

CATCH is a party that centers short and/or in-progress live performances and other time-based media.

CATCH is the Obie award-winning, itinerant, rough-and-ready series of performance parties that whirled through Brooklyn (and Austin, Chicago, Philly, etc) every couple months 2003–2017, took a breather, and is back fresh for 2024.

CATCH promotes community and the exchange of ideas across a broad constellation of progressive artists, scenes, and their friends and fans, by curating, producing, promoting and documenting parties that center short (and frequently in-progress) performances and videos.

CATCH is organized with reckless delicacy by Andrew Dinwiddie, Caleb Hammons, Jeff Larson, and Matt Romein. catchseries.org.

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to Jan 27

ADMIN REVEAL: An Evening with Miss Lady Salad

Admin Reveal: An Evening With Miss Lady Salad
Shawn Escarciga (Miss Lady Salad) [Shawn Escarciga]

at Brick Aux

January 25 + 26 @ 7:30pm

January 27 @ 2pm + 7:30pm


The veil between URL and IRL thins once more for ADMIN REVEAL. Darling internet pest and real life gayguy Miss Lady Salad welcomes f-slurs far and wide to journey through their valley of memes, celebrating three years of a meme-a-day (or 3) with a little talking, a little sharing, a little durational performance, 15mg of generic Lexapro, and a dream.

Created by Miss Lady Salad (Shawn Escarciga)

Miss Lady Salad (Shawn Escarciga) celebrates three years of a memes-a-day with the return of ADMIN REVEAL, a project for the terminally online and those who love them. One part elevated show and tell, one part durational performance, ADMIN REVEAL highlights 3000+ Miss Lady Salad memes and the cressy girl who made them (along with a few special guests). Prior to the evening meme-fest, Miss Lady Salad will sit for open gallery hours where guests are welcome to come take a selfie at the altar of MLS (just don’t expect to speak with the artist IRL, they’ll be busy doing stuff URL).

This work was made possible, in part, by the Franklin Furnace FUND 2023-24, supported by Jerome Foundation and the members and friends of Franklin Furnace Archive.

Shawn Escarciga (Miss Lady Salad) is a multidisciplinary maker, administrator, and connector working between performance, collage/memes, comedy, and curation. Shawn's work has explored labor and class; questioning value systems and hierarchies; and ways to balance being silly with tangible moves towards equity and care. Shawn thinks a lot about classism, visibility, access, the internet, intimacy amongst f-slurs, communication, being a little shit, and what it would be like to live in a country that supports non-commercial artists and poor people. Their work has been seen throughout galleries, museums, sex parties, and DIY spaces across New York City, domestically, and abroad. They are a staff member of Visual AIDS, the founder and co-leader of the NYC Low-Income Artist and Freelancer Relief Fund, and a recent recipient of a Franklin Furnace FUND grant.

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Past, Present & Future IX: 2023-24 FF FUND Recipients Celebration
6:00 PM18:00

Past, Present & Future IX: 2023-24 FF FUND Recipients Celebration

Shawn will be sharing about being a recent Franklin Furnace FUND grant recipient.

Join us on November 16, 2023, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm ET at the Alumni Reading Room of Pratt Institute Library, where Franklin Furnace will unveil the 2023-24 FF FUND for Performance Art recipients.

This event offers a special chance to applaud the ten fundwinners of this year and introduce them to a broader audience.”


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to Mar 19


An Exhibition by Members of the Strategic Transparency Network

Featuring work by Caitlin Foley & Misha RabinovichChristina FreemanJasmine A. GolphinLil Miss Hot MessLydia JessupSarah DahnkeShawn Escarciga & Tega Brain

Organized by Roopa Vasudevan

with Christina Freeman & ABC No Rio

ABC No Rio in Exile at 292 Gallery/Bullet Space

292 E. 3rd Street (b/w Ave C & D)

New York, NY 10009

On view February 24–March 19, 2023

Opening Reception February 24, 6-9pm

Viewing Hours Fri-Sun, 2-6pm

We Refuse, We Want, We Commit focuses on the role of artists in building better technical systems for the Internet and beyond. The artists in the exhibition center technology and society in their work, in dialogue with themes of ethical technology, cautionary tales from the current Web, and artist approaches to building technology we want to see. We aim to open up the conversation about how artists and cultural workers can begin moving in solidarity to make meaningful change in technology—with the hope that just maybe, by reflecting on the current state of our digital lives, we can avoid repeating the same mistakes as we envision and create the future.

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7:00 PM19:00

Fostering a Healthy Art World Ecosystem: Panel Discussion

ABC No Rio in Exile hosts a virtual panel discussion with artists whose work as activists and organizers shifts the culture of our larger arts community - towards one that is more inclusive, supportive, and sustainable. The program will include short presentations by Shawn Escarciga who recently organized the NYC Low Income Artist and Freelancer Relief Fund; Antonio Serna, co-organizer of Museum Workers' Happy Hour; and Alicia Grullón one of the initial and current organizers of The People’s Cultural Plan (The PCP). Q+A with open discussion will follow.

Link to register here

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6:00 PM18:00

Failure as a tool: a discussion on GenderFail’s An Anthology on Failure 2: Building on our Failed States

From the CUE Art website:

Failure as a tool: a discussion on GenderFail’s An Anthology on Failure 2:

Building on our Failed States

Thursday, November 12, 6-8pm ET
RSVP for Zoom link

GenderFail’s An Anthology on Failure 2: Building on our Failed States, released in August 2020, is the second in GenderFail’s anthology series on the creative potential of failure. In this panel discussion, GenderFail founder Be Oakley will speak with anthology contributors Anthea Black with Jessica Whitbread from The HIV Howler, Shawn Escarciga of the NYC Low-Income Artist+Freelancer Relief Fund, and Kira Wisniewski of Art+Feminism; we will also be joined by Kamra Sadia Hakim, founder of Activation Residency, who will respond to the gap in the voices of Black trans-lead organizations in the anthology.

Panelist presentations will be followed by a conversation with Be Oakley on themes of institutional failure, non-dominant organizing, and collective solidarity. With endless examples of cultural institutions such as the Whitney Museum, New Museum, and others failing to support artists from all backgrounds, this panel looks to celebrate the radical institutions, collectives, and communities that do the real work of fostering autonomy from systems of white supremacy and racial capitalism. 

You can purchase a copy of the book on a sliding scale here. 25% of all sales will be invested in Activation Residency leading up to the panel. 

The event will be live-captioned as well as recorded, captioned, and posted to our website after the event. If you have additional access questions or needs, please contact info@cueartfoundation.org (ideally with at least 48 hours before the event) and we will do our best to accommodate you.”

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to Jan 18

Very Real and Legitimate MFA Thesis Show from an Accredited University

Very Real and Legitimate MFA Thesis Show from an Accredited University

Shawn Escarciga

at Vital Joint

January 17 and 18 @ 8pm

Very Real and Legitimate MFA Thesis Show from an Accredited University, aside from being very real and legitimate, is a critique of academia and the Art World at-large as presented through the lens of a historically poor, silver tongued performance artist homo. 

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7:30 PM19:30

Satellite Art Show presents ART HOLE

Performance during Brooklyn Open Studios for Satellite Art Show x Performance is Alive. Curation by Quinn Dukes

Friday, September 28, 2018. 7pm. 701 Grand St. Brooklyn, NY

More here

“ART HOLE is a temporary transitionary gallery where no two moments will be the same as artists will be continuously reimagining the space. This curated take-over is going to be provocative, whimsical and inclusive. Our performative installation coincides with Bushwick Open Studios, so make sure you stop by on your weekend adventures. ART HOLE is presented in partnership with Pabst Blue Ribbon! #PBR Pabst Blue Ribbon

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6:00 PM18:00

Moral (En)Compassings

Organized by Brooklyn International Performance Art Foundation (Esther Neff, Leili Huzaibah).

Tickets: sliding scale $5-20 in advance or at the door (cash only).

New Voices in Live Performance invites curators to shape a weekend of performances and events at CPR that highlight creative practices in dance, theater, and performance art. This season will consist of two distinct weekends of work.

Sunday June 3 | 6pm
Beatriz Albuquerque, Nana Ama Bentsi Enchill, Kaia Gilje, Maria Hupfield, Jenna Kline, Shawn Escarciga.

More here



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